Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day

We started off Mother's Day weekend with breakfast at my Dad's and Mom's house. Dad made everyone sourdough hot cakes, eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, bacon, the works! It was great! It was a fun way to start the day. He also gave each of the girls a dozen roses and Mom gave us each a really cute watch. We are spoiled!

It was a great morning, the boys had lots of fun with their cousins! They sure do play hard!

After breakfast, Jade and the boys took me out to the hardware store and bought me some hanging baskets. They are so pretty! They are purple and white petunias. I love them! We also looked for some flower bed borders, but didn't end up getting anything because they were more expensive than we thought. Jade did a lot of yard work for me and the house looks great!

We decided we are going to put a sidewalk around the house to the back yard and then do cement borders around the flower bed. It's gonna look great! I can't wait! Jade spoiled me too with the all the work he did and the flowers! He also took me to dinner up north and did a little shopping. It was nice.

Sunday afternoon we had a BBQ with Jade's family. It was really nice. Lots of good food and fun! DeeAnn and TJ made it up from St. George and Rob and his family came too. We had a really nice time!

Basically, I guess I'm a really spoiled "Mom!" I love being a Mom and am so grateful for the chance to have these beautiful boys call me "MOM!" I am grateful everyday for their wonderful birthmothers who cared so much about them to make the choice of adoption. They are forever in my heart! I love being a Mom! I know I am not perfect, but I pray every day for patience and all that I need to be the best Mom to my kids. I love them very much! Thanks Xander and Max for loving me no matter what!!!

Easter Pictures

We had a great Easter! I just wanted to post a few pic's of the boys. They were so fun!

Max is eating blue candy.....he is a junk gut! Xander too!
I guess that means the Easter Bunny did well.....lots of candy!

It seems like you take a million pictures to get the right one. Today we only got one, so , good enough I guess. LOL

My handsome little guys! Love you boys!