I have the silliest kids. What they don't think of....lol.... The other night Xander was watching Max play and he said, "Isn't he a silly, little man?" It was sooo funny! Here's a couple pic's of my way cute, silly kids.
I have the most awesome husband and family! I met Jade when I was in high school. We dated for five years. We both went to college...Snow and Stevens Henager. In August of '95, we were married for time and all eternity in the Manti Temple. We have three wonderful children. Xander, 7 yrs old, Max, 3 yrs old and Lexee, 17 months old. They didn't come easy, but they are so much fun! I love them so much! Xander and Max are a part of our family because of the blessings of adoption. Adoption holds such a precious place in my heart. Without my childrens special birthmothers, we would never have become a family. Lexee is our little, miracle girl. After filing for adoption for a third time, I found out that I was expecting. I guess she was waiting for Xander and Max to get here before she was ready to join us. :)