I cannot believe I haven't posted since November! Guess things have been a little busy around here....for 4 months? Well, it sounded like a good excuse...lol. We had a great holiday season! We had Thanksgiving at our house this year for the first time. We had the Shelley family over and enjoyed a wonderful day, full of good food, thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law, who saved me. Christmas was awesome too! Full of family and friends. We got to go on the Polar Express with my Johnson family. Thanks to my sweet Grandparents for doing it! It was a great experience and so fun to go with almost all of our family, we got a whole train car filled with just our family. It was great! Christmas always comes with many family Christmas parties, which I love! I was so excited this year to work on a picture book for the Brotherson family party with my Aunt Jean. It was so fun working with her and learning about my family. We went through a lot of old pictures that were my Grandmothers. I learned so much and loved every minute of it. We organized a book out of the pictures and got to show everyone at the Brotherson Christmas Party. The rest of the Christmas holiday was spent making homemade gifts, shopping, work and friend parties, Santa and helping the kids learn the real meaning of Christmas. Sometimes it's hard to fit that last part in with all the crazyiness Christmas sometimes brings. I sure hope my kids understand the true meaning of Christmas and how important it is to me.
Somewhere in the whole Christmas season, we celebrated Lexee's 2nd birthday. She is such a sweet, drama queen, princess, tom boy and joy to our lives! I felt so bad because we didn't do a family party. We had planned on it, but Max got sick and we were unable to have it. The busyness of the holiday didn't help. We did end up celebrating with a Terrel's cake with just our family. Lexee loved it! She was so cute opening her presents on her birthday! Her favorites were a pony with a blowdryer and a princess baby and...she actually loved everything! She was very spoiled! Thanks everyone for loving our Lexee Lou!
The new year has been good. Xander has started piano lessons. He is so funny. He likes taking lessons and playing the songs, but he HATES to practice! It's a chore to get practicing in, but once he does it and knows the songs, he loves sitting down at the piano to play.
The only other thing I can think of to update this new year is Valentines. We had a fun Valentine's Day. The kids made a huge valentine for Jade that went clear across the room. I'll have to post a picture of it, it turned out cute. They each layed down on a piece of butcher paper with their arms open and the caption said, "We love you this much!" It was fun and they were excited for Jade to see it. We took family valentines around and did the "knock and run" thing. The kids were sooo fun to watch! I loved it!
I love my kids and Jade so much! They are my life! I know I complain sometimes and I hope I'm not too negative. Today was one of those days that I enjoyed spending time with my kids and I missed them while I was gone! I love Lexee's sweet smile, Max's big hugs and the mischievous gleam in my Xandermans eyes! I am the luckiest mom ever!
This should bring us up to date. I'd like to think that I'll be better at posting, but....I can't promise anything....lol...I will get some pic's posted though ;)
18 hours ago
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